comes to Kick Cancer Overboard through personal experience. In 2010, her not-yet-four-year-old grandson, Logan Parker, was diagnosed with a rare form of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. A friend recommended Logan and his family for a KCO cruise. To fund that cruise, Pattie, along with more than 70 other friends, family members and supporters staffed three fluid stations at the NJ Marathon to benefit KCO. Logan, his parents, and older brother enjoyed a five-day cruise to Bermuda in 2012. Since that time, Pattie has continued to lead and staff two fluid stations each year at the marathon to benefit KCO and pay forward the gift given to her family. Sadly, Logan passed away in March 2016, but he will be remembered always and honored each year at the "Love for Logan" fluid stations at Mile 13.2 and Mile 23.3 along the marathon route. Pattie, who also lost her mother and other relatives and friends to cancer, is a public relations, communication, and marketing professional who has worked in the acute healthcare and long term care sectors for over 35 years and a staunch advocate for childhood cancer awareness.