Kick Cancer Overboard's Mission

Our mission is to give away FREE CRUISES to people who have been affected by cancer. To offer them a break for a few days, so the most important question is not how to pay for their next medical bill, but whether to play bingo, get a massage or sing Karaoke. In our first 13 years we have awarded over 700 free cruises (all to NJ cancer warriors, who truly deserve a break).
Thank you!
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We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.


Our concept is simple:

  • We organize fundraisers.

  • We help people organize their own fundraisers so they can support a specific individual or family.

  • We offer people a great cruise at a reduced price, and the more (paying) passengers we can book, the more people we can sponsor to travel for free!

We are a 501c3, run by volunteers - 100% of your contributions go directly to our worthy cause.

Kick Cancer Overboard Stats

738Cruises Given Away
19223Volunteers and Sponsors
1482567Smiles and Hugs